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In this episode, Dan sits down with Founder & CEO of Kristen Anderson.
Kristen is the Founder & CEO of Catch – a benefits platform for people who don’t have employer-provided benefits, like gig workers, entrepreneurs, etc.
As she tells the story behind the startup, Kristen shares how she identified the opportunity behind the common misconception that technology alone made the 20th century a success- it was really benefits!
Kristen talks about starting at Catch as head of product, then actually moving into the Founder/CEO role later! Then, touches on what benefits mean in the age of multiple income streams, what it was like at YC, and how she ultimately raised $10M.
She offers valuable business and fundraising advice throughout the interview.
Product Market Misfits is a podcast that helps entrepreneurs learn more about starting companies and getting funded by sharing conversations with venture-backed founders. For more, visit us at